Michelle Chamuel

Birth Name: Michelle Jacqueline Chamuel Place of Birth: Wellesley, Massachusetts, U.S Date of Birth: 1986 Ethnicity:Egyptian Jewish Michelle Chamuel is an American singer, songwriter, and producer. She was the lead singer for American Electropop band Ella Riot.

Birth Name: Michelle Jacqueline Chamuel

Place of Birth: Wellesley, Massachusetts, U.S

Date of Birth: 1986

Ethnicity: Egyptian Jewish

Michelle Chamuel is an American singer, songwriter, and producer. She was the lead singer for American Electropop band Ella Riot.

Michelle was born in Wellesley, Massachusetts, to Egyptian Jewish parents, Joalie (Davie) and Jacques Chamuel. Her parents moved to the U.S as refugees in 1967. Like many Egyptian Jews, Michelle is likely of Mizrahi Jewish background.

Her father is pictured here. Her mother is pictured here.

Sources: http://www.billboard.com

Photo by Joe Seer/bigstockphoto.com

